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Why an Internship is Necessary for a College Student

Advisors may tell you this all the time, getting an internship a crucial process to gaining experience to make you ready for the industry you are going into. The most important goal of an internship is creating relationships with the people you work with. If you have an internship throughout college these relationships can hopefully aid you to a career after graduation. An internship gives you the hands-on experience necessary to learn for your future. Understanding what is expected of you in a typical workplace will develop you for your first job. Coming out of college you shouldn't expect to land your dream job right away, you may start of spending your days in a copy room printing papers for your boss. If you strive your best and keep a smile on your face then it will show your hard work. Being in a professional setting is essential for a college student to experience. A job after college is so different than anything experience at your school. These professiona...

Press "Send"

If you have ever booked a show, you know the majority of times you will be sending and responding to emails. The more emails you send, the more responses you will get.

To become successful and continually branch out the talent you are booking it is crucial to take a leap and send that email you are afraid to. How do you know you are sending an email worth responding to? Here are some tips to create an intriguing email that no one could want to ignore:

1. Keep it Short and to the Point

Talent Agents and venue owners continually get a ton of inquiries a day, the quickest way you will be ignored is if you have too much information. Keep it down to eight-ten sentences of the most important information. If they are interested you will continue with the rest of the information in the future.

2. Be Specific about your Dates:

If you do not specify a few definite dates or give too wide of a range then you will be easier to ignore. It is more straightforward and can give a simple yes/no if these dates work on their end. Simplify the dates, rather than writing it out (February 23nd) stick to DD/MM (2/23) the more condensed it is the easier it is to read.

3. Specialize your Subject Line:

Ensure that your subject clearly stands out and showcases exactly why you are reaching out. For example (The Band Name - Date - Your Venue).

4. Include Content:

Include useful information such as websites, artists profiles, or photos to show exactly who or what you are selling. You will catch more eyes if you include something personalized for someone to hear or see.

5. Follow Up:

Be patient, if you haven't received a response you are not necessarily being ignored, your message could have just gotten lost along with the others. Send a new email and do not reply to your original one - this will make you easier to ignore. Always give a few days of space between each follow-up, you don't want to seem impatient.

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